Top 5 tips to design attractive splash screen for your mobile app


Mobile apps have become the new age business tool for brands and the ultimate utility tool for consumers. As the demand for various types of apps is growing, many new businesses are also joining the league of mCommerce.

It has become easier to create app from website with DIY solutions like AppMySite and businesses are benefitting from it. People are ditching the laborious and extravagant process of custom app development and building their own apps.

However, there are many components of mobile app building that contribute to the app experience and the overall success or failure of the app. This includes design, features, functionality, layout, etc. 

Today, we will discuss about one such element of the app design, the splash screen. So, read further and discover the tips and tricks to easily design it.


The definition and importance of splash screen


The splash screen, also known as the loading screen, is like the door to your app. It is the first thing that a user comes across after tapping on the icon and opening your app.

Hence, it is a quite significant aspect that hooks the attention of your users right from the start. It is often overlooked by app developers which can prove to be a big mistake and lead to app abandonments.

In order to design it well, you must carry out the preliminary research and see what your competitors are doing. The app category, purpose and business type also determine the orientation of your mobile app splash screen.

Clearly, it is more than just the information that your “app is loading”. In fact, having a captive splash screen can increase the session time and lead to higher conversions for your app.  


Top five commandments of success


Design your splash screen strategically and ensure success. The top practices that you can implement have been discussed below:


#1 Focus on adaptability and quality


Different devices respond differently to varied image sizes, design elements, and more. The variation not only happens between Android and iOS operating systems, but also between different smartphones, screen sizes, etc.

Hence, it is important that your splash screen design adapts to all variations in terms of size, dimension, color themes, contrast, etc. Also ensure that the quality is desirable and appeals to the senses of the users.


#2 Give visual weight to logo


The loading screen speaks volumes about your brand and it can be used as an opportunity to showcase the same. You can give special visual weightage to your brand logo and let users perceive it as the app launches.

You can also use a slogan, a pictographic representation, etc. However, the brand logo and identity must be given a distinct space, as it is good for boosting your brand recognition, identity and value. 


#3 Include a compelling message


Although there must be abundant ‘white spaces’ or blank spaces on the screen, you can iconize a message or include a strong CTA (Call to Action) button that suggests an alternative action to going to the landing screen immediately.

Instead of using long texts, you can use gamified graphics, gifs or animated characters to convey your message. The idea is to hook the users and keep them captivated. You can also keep changing the message at regular intervals.


#4 Avoid clutter and stick to minimalism


Always remember that ideally an app should have a load time of less than three seconds. Clearly, the users do not have much time to grasp a lot of content, especially when the content is scattered and is in textual format. Many big brands just place the name of their brand or logo to avoid clutter.

Besides, too many things can make the users feel saturated. In order to avoid this, keep your splash screen decluttered and stick to the concept of minimalism. Only pick the elements that are necessary and place them subtly on the screen. 


#5 Engage and entertain users


Although a few seconds of load duration might seem like a very short time, it can play a deciding role in the success of your app. Hence, you must try to keep the users engaged and entertained every time they open your app, even for that short duration.

Gaming apps can be a good example to learn from. The high-end visuals that often include characters and accessories from the game, spike the interest of the users from the very start. Same goes with some food apps that place mouthwatering pictures of delicacies to keep the users tempted. Take cues from them, but use your own creativity for execution. 


Shed your strain with AppMySite!


This was our brief guide where we shared the best tips and tricks that can help you design the best splash screen for your mobile app. However, if you want to simplify the process further, then use AppMySite.

Build your app using AppMySite free app maker and easily design your splash screen, on-boarding screens, categories, buttons, and more.

It comes with a completely code-free solution, an intuitive dashboard and ample tool tips that guide you through. You can also refer its Knowledge Base to know more about the nuances of designing the best splash screen.

The blogs, videos, and tutorials enable you to further optimize the performance of your app and boost conversions. Sign up for the platform and start building your mobile app now!